Daenavan's parents already came yesterday, mainly becuase they are going outstation today, and the second reason is Daenavan had the foolish idea that we would betray him and tell his parents the many stories of what he did in class. And so, we didn't get the chance to see Daenavan's parents. Such sex!
Wei Wen's dad came first. He is a handsome man, nicely tanned. We saw Wei Wen's mum too, and more importantly, Wei Wen's sister. Wei Wen always said that his sister is not pretty, but to my eyes, she is BEAUTIFUL. Even when I'm typing this I was still thinking of her. Of course, our dear Mr. Wong KK had nothing to say about Wei Wen, since he has this mask in front of Wong KK that makes Wong KK thinks Wei Wen is a perfect student (IMPORTANT NOTE : HE IS NOT).
Up next was ChengZhi's dad, Doctor Khor. He was almost as white as ChengZhi, and very friendly. Wong KK screwed ChengZhi a little, probably cuz of the red chillis in his results. But it seems Doctor Khor's massive EQ allows him to maintain his smile. =)
Then it was my turn. Both my parents came. Wong KK didn't say much... I'll summarize the 5 minutes talk to 3 points. PRETTY GOOD RESULTS, TALKS ALOT and CAN BE LIKE WEI WEN IF YOU HAVE THE PASSION (I would never want to be like him). In fact, Wong KK compares almost EVERY student with Wei Wen. Of course, only the results, cuz Wei Wen loses in other aspects.
Crap, Ching Yeap's parents was the last to arrive in the whole class, so we didn't get a chance to admire his parents nor listen to Wong KK's lecture.
The person that won the Longest Talk Award today is Fareen, exceeding 30 minutes. Shortest Talk Award won by Ke Qian and Kuen Yee, whose mothers didn't even sit down to talk, instead they just signed and left. Adults are busy. =X
Oh yes, if you had been noticing, only me and ChengZhi are updating this blog. Reason is, Wei Wen rarely onlines (he thinks he will be a good student that way). Daenavan doesn't has his laptop at the moment. He was grounded. WAIT! No, it's just that his laptop was brought along to Kedah. Ching Yeap says he is abit less confident is his English (which he shouldn't) but he'll try to update soon.
I have 3 more 范文 to copy... Stay tuned for more S3X stuff.
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