Yoyoyoyoyo, Im back and itz time to give this blog an update.
Wondered what we did for the last week?
Ever wondered?
Ever missed us?
We start from yesterday. Four of us except daena did our civic project in school.
Wondered what we did?
We wash cars!!!!
Actually only 2 cars, hehe. Some customers went missing for god dam I dont know what reason lol. So we ended up washing Mr. Tham and Pn. Salwana car.
Erm, I think I should give a credit to YiXian because of his generosity for lending me his PJK shirt despite it resembles more like a skirt than a shirt.
Then, something happened.
Want to know what happened?
It rained lol.
I dont know why the rain came at the crucial moment, but the reason is quite simple, I guess?
Know what is FP?
FP stands for face problem.
However, the rain was not enough to make us give up.
The spirit we held is as fiery as fire. Ignited among all of us.
So, we washed under the rain.
Can we propose to form a Car Washing Club?
Cheap stuff happened during the process. Nothing special. HEHE.
In the end, the rain stopped, the car was sparkling as new.
We got two thumbs up from both of our satisfied customer.
It is an achievement!
A glory!!
Some indisputable evidence of our great success will be uploaded when I get it from cameraman.
(Yes/No), Sian Wei, Wei Wen, Daenavan, Ching Yeap and I have fp.
An Indian that can speak Cantonese vulgars. An imbalance brained guy who we call, Erik(yes that's why). A bitch-faced bitch who can make YOU look handsome/pretty when compared. A white guy from a doctor family who swears at his own brother and sings. A cuddly retard that reminds everyone of Kung Fu Panda. We are the S3[X] Gang Pls™
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
5S3 CNY Party
Just had a party on 21st February over at Dalila's place, with many other 5S3ians. There were over 20 of them so I'm too lazy to list them all. Let's just say the whole S3X gang was there.
I had orchestra rehearsal starting at 1.30pm on that day. Was playing the double bass, a gigantic instrument for junior section and cello for senior section. Peeled off a bit of my skin on my finger when plucking the mammoth double bass. Also really exhausted after senior rehearsal, for the songs are too intense. Pirates of the Carribean is one of 'em.
Rehearsal ended at 6, and I got down, got up to dad's car with Wei Wen, Desmond, Sze Mun and Shih Min inside, and drove to Dalila's place at Desa Parkcity. Was very tired and hungry, and dozed off several times in the car trip. Reached destination at a little past 6.30pm.
The food for the party were all brought ourselves, and I supplied all the drinks. There was really nothing much at first. The food was okay, except for the exceptionally good potato salad 'cause I'm a potato salad lover. <3 I opened Dalila's piano and played some very "beginner" scales, and even managed to play Auld Lang Syne. But Kairou and Amy laughed at me for playing like a noob.
Hihi! I had NEVER taken any piano lessons before! Isn't it good enough that I can at least play the Auld Lang Syne or play C major scales 2 octaves with both hands? qT_Tp
Then after meal they say it was the entertainment session, and started queuing people up for performances. The S3X gang was somehow forced by Shao Wei to perform the Sorry Sorry dance, and we were at no power to turn Shao Wei down. So we 5 scrambled up into Dalila's room and started arranging our dance and rehearsing.
And I'm not joking but this is an extremely difficult task.
First off, Dalila's room only had the fan turned on, not the air-cond. And with 5 guys stuffed inside, it's so hot it makes all of us sweat. And we had no dance moves arranged earlier, so all of our dance moves are made and arranged on the spot, brainstormed between the 5 of us and 100% spontaneous. And we had to rehearse repeatedly to make sure everything goes with the music, and that multiplies the exhaustion in me.
But hell, we got it all ready in an hour or so.
But the dance, I'll save it for later. No use describing it in words now, right? Will try to upload a video soon so all of you can enjoy the real thing, and not just in words. I can ensure though, we gave everything for this, it was tiring, so I hope our audience enjoyed.
After our dance it was Truth or Dare. I was lucky 'cause I wasn't chosen at all. There were quite a few interesting ones. Ching Yeap kissed Yi Xian through a plastic bag. Sivanesh licked the floor. Yap Wei said Daenavan is dirty. ChengZhi sang The Moon Resembles My Heart (月亮代表我的心) to Wei Ying. Shahira was dared to seduce Wei Wen (originally she was gonna do it to me but I escaped somehow).
Dad reached at 10.30pm, fetched the 4 of them back as well. Reached my home at 11pm+, bathed and slumped into my bed, under my lovely silk blanket. <3
I think that's the end of it. Let's just wait for the dance video to be uploaded for our enjoyment.
Just had a party on 21st February over at Dalila's place, with many other 5S3ians. There were over 20 of them so I'm too lazy to list them all. Let's just say the whole S3X gang was there.
I had orchestra rehearsal starting at 1.30pm on that day. Was playing the double bass, a gigantic instrument for junior section and cello for senior section. Peeled off a bit of my skin on my finger when plucking the mammoth double bass. Also really exhausted after senior rehearsal, for the songs are too intense. Pirates of the Carribean is one of 'em.
Rehearsal ended at 6, and I got down, got up to dad's car with Wei Wen, Desmond, Sze Mun and Shih Min inside, and drove to Dalila's place at Desa Parkcity. Was very tired and hungry, and dozed off several times in the car trip. Reached destination at a little past 6.30pm.
The food for the party were all brought ourselves, and I supplied all the drinks. There was really nothing much at first. The food was okay, except for the exceptionally good potato salad 'cause I'm a potato salad lover. <3 I opened Dalila's piano and played some very "beginner" scales, and even managed to play Auld Lang Syne. But Kairou and Amy laughed at me for playing like a noob.
Hihi! I had NEVER taken any piano lessons before! Isn't it good enough that I can at least play the Auld Lang Syne or play C major scales 2 octaves with both hands? qT_Tp
Then after meal they say it was the entertainment session, and started queuing people up for performances. The S3X gang was somehow forced by Shao Wei to perform the Sorry Sorry dance, and we were at no power to turn Shao Wei down. So we 5 scrambled up into Dalila's room and started arranging our dance and rehearsing.
And I'm not joking but this is an extremely difficult task.
First off, Dalila's room only had the fan turned on, not the air-cond. And with 5 guys stuffed inside, it's so hot it makes all of us sweat. And we had no dance moves arranged earlier, so all of our dance moves are made and arranged on the spot, brainstormed between the 5 of us and 100% spontaneous. And we had to rehearse repeatedly to make sure everything goes with the music, and that multiplies the exhaustion in me.
But hell, we got it all ready in an hour or so.
But the dance, I'll save it for later. No use describing it in words now, right? Will try to upload a video soon so all of you can enjoy the real thing, and not just in words. I can ensure though, we gave everything for this, it was tiring, so I hope our audience enjoyed.
After our dance it was Truth or Dare. I was lucky 'cause I wasn't chosen at all. There were quite a few interesting ones. Ching Yeap kissed Yi Xian through a plastic bag. Sivanesh licked the floor. Yap Wei said Daenavan is dirty. ChengZhi sang The Moon Resembles My Heart (月亮代表我的心) to Wei Ying. Shahira was dared to seduce Wei Wen (originally she was gonna do it to me but I escaped somehow).
Dad reached at 10.30pm, fetched the 4 of them back as well. Reached my home at 11pm+, bathed and slumped into my bed, under my lovely silk blanket. <3
I think that's the end of it. Let's just wait for the dance video to be uploaded for our enjoyment.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, 19th February 2010, ChengZhi, Ching Yeap, Daenavan, Desmond, Kuen Yee, Kairou and Sze Mun came over to my house for a visit. Or so called 拜年.
Kuen Yee and Kairou arrived first, and then my mum and I went to the KTM station outside to pick Desmond up and also bring Sze Mun's dad to my house. Then I picked up Daena and Ching Yeap at the KTM station too. ChengZhi was the last to arrive. He wasn't punctual at all and when the girls were already here he was still at home. So I lied to him and said that everyone was there already and the girls were very angry at him for being late. He found out it was a lie later, and blamed me for lying and making him unable to eat his Kuay Teow and instead had to take McDonald's.
CZ, you are late and you deserved it. Hmmmmzzzzzz000000r?
My house got nothing much to offer, so we just went to the karaoke room and wasted our time there. That's when I found out KuenYee, Kairou and Sze Mun are damn good singers. Daena was bored and almost fell asleep 'cause all the songs we sing are in Chinese. But I woke him up with a pillow toss. <3. Still, he did had a good laugh when he saw my younger photos in my room.
Sadly the girls left at 3.30pm. But then that's when the show starts. The remaining guys started to sing songs that Daena could join in, like Akon's Don't Matter. The best part is the song If I Were A Horse, converted from the originally If I Were A Boy by Beyonce as a tribute to Desmond, our horse friend.
If I were a horse, I think I could understand, how it feels to love a horse, I swear I'll be a better horse...
Then around 5.20pm we took a 30 minutes walk to The Mines. Wei Wen was waiting for us there for more than 30 minutes and got angry at us for making him wait so long. But with our brilliant charisma we calmed him down really quick. We watched the movie 14Blades (锦衣卫), with Wei Wen as Daena's translator. But the 2 of them talked more crap than translating. By the way 14Blades is quite cool, go watch it. =) (:
After movie Desmond went back himself and the rest of us went back to my house with my parents driving 2 seperate cars as transport. Nothing much from there on, just some singing in the karaoke room. My dad had a few old friends as guests waiting downstairs for the karaoke room too, so the 4 of them went back at 10pm+. My dad told those guests that I can take alcohol pretty well and I was forced to prove the fact. I gulped down a can of Carlsberg but then I was really thankful because that alcohol helped me endure another hour of those old people singing upstairs.
And for now, Saturday, 20th February 2010. Supposed to be going to Mei Yen's open house at 6pm, but lack of transport. =( ChengZhi, Ching Yeap and Daena are all going, and Wei Wen isn't online. I'm alone now, nothing to do except for crapping here. So lonely..
But never mind. Tomorrow is 5S3 CNY party! I got orchestra rehearsal in the afternoon, and I still dunno what to perform and what games to play, but who cares. xDDDD I prepared 24 cans of Coke, 12 cans of Blackcurrant, 12 cans of Lychee and a big bottle of Mirinda Orange. Diabetes <3333 Okay, crapped enough. I go practise cello now. Changed new set of strings today! Let's go whack 'em. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Friday, 19th February 2010, ChengZhi, Ching Yeap, Daenavan, Desmond, Kuen Yee, Kairou and Sze Mun came over to my house for a visit. Or so called 拜年.
Kuen Yee and Kairou arrived first, and then my mum and I went to the KTM station outside to pick Desmond up and also bring Sze Mun's dad to my house. Then I picked up Daena and Ching Yeap at the KTM station too. ChengZhi was the last to arrive. He wasn't punctual at all and when the girls were already here he was still at home. So I lied to him and said that everyone was there already and the girls were very angry at him for being late. He found out it was a lie later, and blamed me for lying and making him unable to eat his Kuay Teow and instead had to take McDonald's.
CZ, you are late and you deserved it. Hmmmmzzzzzz000000r?
My house got nothing much to offer, so we just went to the karaoke room and wasted our time there. That's when I found out KuenYee, Kairou and Sze Mun are damn good singers. Daena was bored and almost fell asleep 'cause all the songs we sing are in Chinese. But I woke him up with a pillow toss. <3. Still, he did had a good laugh when he saw my younger photos in my room.
Sadly the girls left at 3.30pm. But then that's when the show starts. The remaining guys started to sing songs that Daena could join in, like Akon's Don't Matter. The best part is the song If I Were A Horse, converted from the originally If I Were A Boy by Beyonce as a tribute to Desmond, our horse friend.
If I were a horse, I think I could understand, how it feels to love a horse, I swear I'll be a better horse...
Then around 5.20pm we took a 30 minutes walk to The Mines. Wei Wen was waiting for us there for more than 30 minutes and got angry at us for making him wait so long. But with our brilliant charisma we calmed him down really quick. We watched the movie 14Blades (锦衣卫), with Wei Wen as Daena's translator. But the 2 of them talked more crap than translating. By the way 14Blades is quite cool, go watch it. =) (:
After movie Desmond went back himself and the rest of us went back to my house with my parents driving 2 seperate cars as transport. Nothing much from there on, just some singing in the karaoke room. My dad had a few old friends as guests waiting downstairs for the karaoke room too, so the 4 of them went back at 10pm+. My dad told those guests that I can take alcohol pretty well and I was forced to prove the fact. I gulped down a can of Carlsberg but then I was really thankful because that alcohol helped me endure another hour of those old people singing upstairs.
And for now, Saturday, 20th February 2010. Supposed to be going to Mei Yen's open house at 6pm, but lack of transport. =( ChengZhi, Ching Yeap and Daena are all going, and Wei Wen isn't online. I'm alone now, nothing to do except for crapping here. So lonely..
But never mind. Tomorrow is 5S3 CNY party! I got orchestra rehearsal in the afternoon, and I still dunno what to perform and what games to play, but who cares. xDDDD I prepared 24 cans of Coke, 12 cans of Blackcurrant, 12 cans of Lychee and a big bottle of Mirinda Orange. Diabetes <3333 Okay, crapped enough. I go practise cello now. Changed new set of strings today! Let's go whack 'em. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
No Idea What To Write As Title
Yo sexies! How's life? It's been abit rough for us. Heavy homework, busy life, cramps during cross country, a new cross country judge system that fails.
But we still S3Xy. Saturday, our quartet went for performance again. The usual 4, Mr. Chan, Ray Aun, Chun Yeen and me. We performed for the achievement dinner for this small insurance agency company, De Infinity Group (DIG). Seems that they are a company of 50 people, almost all below 35 years old, but had earned more profit than larger agencies.
Nothing much to say. Just that we got a piece of banana cake for free, a few glasses of drink, and alot of pretty ladies at the dinner. The MCs tried to joke, but they are jokes themselves. CEO of Great Eastern, the largest and oldest insurance company in Malaysia, is a crapbag. And during one of our songs at the end part some moron turned off the light and make us couldn't read our scores and notes. Luckily we had that in memory. And only RM100 this time, although it took the same time as last time's performance. Then for dinner, at PappaRich, we waited more than an hour for our dish. Fail.
Sunday, went to visit my ex-babysitter. She took care of me at the first four years of my life, and till now I haven't forget her and still visit her once in a while. She's getting old already, but still kicking. Gave her a hamper for CNY, and she gave me angpaus and prawn crackers she fried herself. Me and my brother finished half the tin before reaching home. This is goodness. xDD
As Wei Wen had posted earlier, we have a few more months before we have to leave school and venture into the future, stepping into a new stage of life. But we will stay S3Xy, no doubt! To ChengZhi, Ching Yeap, Daena, Wei Wen (gay colour for your name, hmm?), don't think I won't insult and poke all of you even if we meet years later. =)
Don't worry, I'll try to stay Salty.
Happy Chinese New Year to all, especially to Daena! <3
But we still S3Xy. Saturday, our quartet went for performance again. The usual 4, Mr. Chan, Ray Aun, Chun Yeen and me. We performed for the achievement dinner for this small insurance agency company, De Infinity Group (DIG). Seems that they are a company of 50 people, almost all below 35 years old, but had earned more profit than larger agencies.

Nothing much to say. Just that we got a piece of banana cake for free, a few glasses of drink, and alot of pretty ladies at the dinner. The MCs tried to joke, but they are jokes themselves. CEO of Great Eastern, the largest and oldest insurance company in Malaysia, is a crapbag. And during one of our songs at the end part some moron turned off the light and make us couldn't read our scores and notes. Luckily we had that in memory. And only RM100 this time, although it took the same time as last time's performance. Then for dinner, at PappaRich, we waited more than an hour for our dish. Fail.
Sunday, went to visit my ex-babysitter. She took care of me at the first four years of my life, and till now I haven't forget her and still visit her once in a while. She's getting old already, but still kicking. Gave her a hamper for CNY, and she gave me angpaus and prawn crackers she fried herself. Me and my brother finished half the tin before reaching home. This is goodness. xDD
As Wei Wen had posted earlier, we have a few more months before we have to leave school and venture into the future, stepping into a new stage of life. But we will stay S3Xy, no doubt! To ChengZhi, Ching Yeap, Daena, Wei Wen (gay colour for your name, hmm?), don't think I won't insult and poke all of you even if we meet years later. =)
Don't worry, I'll try to stay Salty.
Happy Chinese New Year to all, especially to Daena! <3
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ching Yeap got stomach cramp during run.
Wei Wen had stomach cramp during run too.
I had stomach cramp during run three.
Another two bitches absent during today's cross country.
Is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Is this mutual symptoms?
If not maybe I am able to get 1 mark for Green.
If not maybe Wei Wen is able to get 1 mark of Blue.
If not maybe Ching Yeap is able to reach top 20.
Nonetheless, this shows the S3X gang is UNITED,
We will go through everything TOGETHER,
Not matter how DIFFICULT it will be,
And we will not be SEPARATED after 2010.
For those original top 30 who being disqualified.
I know its HARSH, its not your mistake.
Its due some UNSYSTEMATIC people who had their duty during the run.
You know yourself BEST; We know what is going on
You are the top 30 position in our heart, a medal doesn't mean anything.
Wei Wen had stomach cramp during run too.
I had stomach cramp during run three.
Another two bitches absent during today's cross country.
Is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Is this mutual symptoms?
If not maybe I am able to get 1 mark for Green.
If not maybe Wei Wen is able to get 1 mark of Blue.
If not maybe Ching Yeap is able to reach top 20.
Nonetheless, this shows the S3X gang is UNITED,
We will go through everything TOGETHER,
Not matter how DIFFICULT it will be,
And we will not be SEPARATED after 2010.
For those original top 30 who being disqualified.
I know its HARSH, its not your mistake.
Its due some UNSYSTEMATIC people who had their duty during the run.
You know yourself BEST; We know what is going on
You are the top 30 position in our heart, a medal doesn't mean anything.
Stay IMBA.
Just spent about 1 hour to read all the old posts in this blog. haha such lifeless xDD
Feel like damn sad and touched pls after read those posts, especially our class trip =D
Now its February, means we only left a few more months. After that, maybe we all will separate and continue our life xDD
left few months to
Be together everyday,
doing stupid and imba stuff everyday,
laugh together with imba loudness,
dota together,
joke around like fools together,
copy homework together,
talk crap together,
insult each other all the time, and many many many more la.
What the sex am i talking la xDD
haha anyway
Let's stay happy and IMBA for these last few months.
<3 ( don't call this gay pls)
Feel like damn sad and touched pls after read those posts, especially our class trip =D
Now its February, means we only left a few more months. After that, maybe we all will separate and continue our life xDD
left few months to
Be together everyday,
doing stupid and imba stuff everyday,
laugh together with imba loudness,
dota together,
joke around like fools together,
copy homework together,
talk crap together,
insult each other all the time, and many many many more la.
What the sex am i talking la xDD
haha anyway
Let's stay happy and IMBA for these last few months.
<3 ( don't call this gay pls)
Friday, February 5, 2010
老师说: “以前难弹的歌,现在不见得吃力了。你进步了,我看得出。继续努力,别的学生两个星期,我希望你一个星期把它练好,下个星期弹给我听。”
实在超开心的,老师很少这样夸我。通常我弹的歌,难免有一些dynamics做的不够明显, 他会比较挑剔,所以很难听到他的赞扬。
大奶蚊,抱歉了 </3。
老师说: “以前难弹的歌,现在不见得吃力了。你进步了,我看得出。继续努力,别的学生两个星期,我希望你一个星期把它练好,下个星期弹给我听。”
实在超开心的,老师很少这样夸我。通常我弹的歌,难免有一些dynamics做的不够明显, 他会比较挑剔,所以很难听到他的赞扬。
大奶蚊,抱歉了 </3。
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars
Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars
Monday, February 1, 2010
Wazzup All
Im back from zome hellizh 5 dayz of no-online experience. I feel like Daenavan.
Lazt night went zhopping with family after celebrating my dad birthday. Im zuch noob zhopper, mum zay my taste dam old fazhioned. Once again I feel like Daenavan.
But at leazt I got some new attire for the incoming year right?
Who zay got mazz dizcount pls, I zaw one QuickSilver T-zhirt priced 170 plus. That zhirt dam cool weh, 1zt time got hooked up by a zhirt. Zuch experience.
After that, went home if not. I played my heart will go on infront my dad az a performing zong for hiz bday, eventhough got zome miztake but nevermind la, I dont feel like Daenavan anymore.
And hor, I realize my clazz femalez are kuat athelic can run dam far 1 unlike zome unidentified animal who are zpenting hiz time typing theze Daenavan.
So, I decided to join my dad for some intensive joggingz at 5am morning after that went to zchool once per week I think itz enough. Wish the bezt luck of me getting a healthier body and a kuater stamina.
Lastly, I don't want to be Daenavan.
Lazt night went zhopping with family after celebrating my dad birthday. Im zuch noob zhopper, mum zay my taste dam old fazhioned. Once again I feel like Daenavan.
But at leazt I got some new attire for the incoming year right?
Who zay got mazz dizcount pls, I zaw one QuickSilver T-zhirt priced 170 plus. That zhirt dam cool weh, 1zt time got hooked up by a zhirt. Zuch experience.
After that, went home if not. I played my heart will go on infront my dad az a performing zong for hiz bday, eventhough got zome miztake but nevermind la, I dont feel like Daenavan anymore.
And hor, I realize my clazz femalez are kuat athelic can run dam far 1 unlike zome unidentified animal who are zpenting hiz time typing theze Daenavan.
So, I decided to join my dad for some intensive joggingz at 5am morning after that went to zchool once per week I think itz enough. Wish the bezt luck of me getting a healthier body and a kuater stamina.
Lastly, I don't want to be Daenavan.
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