I don't wanna leave the blog un-updated for too long, so this is just a mere update about some imbalanced events that happened in the past few days as observed by me.
Event No. 1
Don't know how but Mr. Lean now thinks I am filthy rich. On Thursday, after finishing the first part of Chapter 11 Add Maths, he chatted with me and a few other friends. He kept on bragging how rich I am and whatever stuff I have at my house including swimming pools and underground parking. I kept denying but he just went on and even said I had a ELEVATOR in my house. As a matter of fact, I DO NOT have those stuff.
Event No. 2
We had a game of Cheat with UNO cards. It is a game where you are supposed to place a number of cards on the table and announce what cards you just placed, but the cards you announced and the cards you actually placed is not necessarily the same. Since you can only put the same type of cards each turn, you can lie and cheat to finish your cards faster. For example, you can place 3 Number 8 cards and 2 Number 5 cards, but announce that you placed 5 Number 8 cards. When it's your turn, you can flip up the cards the previous player had placed to see if he/she was cheating. If he lied, he will take back all the cards on the table as penalty. If he wasn't lying, the one who flipped up the cards gets all the cards on the table. The first one who places all his/her cards on the table wins. The imbalanced thing is towards the end of the game, Kai Yik had almost the full deck of UNO cards in his hand.
Event No. 3
I happened to see Kuen Yee reading her novel upside-down. And when I asked why, she said it makes it less boring. I lost the words to give a reply.
Event No. 4
The class trip plan is going on very smoothly. Timothy Goh and the others are perfect organizers. We have 38 people going on this trip, which I believe is the most among the Form 4s. Organizers also managed to cut down costs from the original RM130++ to around RM 70.
Event No. 5
The results for final exam came out on Friday. Wei Wen managed to retain his throne and remain No. 1! This is because for this term, English is only counted as one single subject. Other members of the S3X gang did well too! I got No. 4, Ching Yeap got No. 21, ChengZhi got No. 22 and Daenavan got No. 33, which is the best results for us this year. But I guess you expect nothing less from the S3X gang.
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