Hello people! It's 4th of January, which means, SCHOOL DAYS ARE BACK! And of course, the S3X gang is now 5S3! And today, everyone was present, back in uniform, no more short pants or shirts with name tags on it (you know who you are, heeheehee).
We had a bad start today, forced to cramp in the hall with 2000 other students just for one stupid assembly. Then we went back to class, but sadly we failed to take seats as we had arranged earlier. Girls went back to class earlier and screwed up our plan. =(
After settling down, we enjoyed the pleasure of knowing Mr. Wong KK remains as our Physics teacher and form teacher. And as usual, he still talks a lot of cowdung. Most of our other teachers remained too, except for Moral, Sejarah, Sivic and Chinese. Our former Chinese teacher moved to another state, and sent us a heart-touching e-mail as a parting gift. We will somehow miss Pn.Yeoh!
Now, do you think that the S3X gang has weakened after a 2-month holiday? You are damn wrong. Today Wei Wen showed me his "xD" face which has the power to give you insomnia for a few days.
Also today, our new Sivic teacher came in. Her name is Pn. Gowri or something, and she's quite a young and pretty Indian teacher. And once she started talking some leisure stuff, our Daenavan can't take his eyes off her! It's the first time I saw Daena so ABSORBED in the lesson. He even called me to keep quiet when I tried to joke. And then I asked him either this teacher or Xue Ying is prettier, he said THE TEACHER. But of course that's not the truth, but we can see Daena had a crush on first sight. But not even 10 minutes after the teacher started talking to us, she announced that she was married last month. Poor Daena! His heart was broken, and his love crushed not even 10 minutes after meeting her. But I guess it's fine, Fareen's still there for you, Daena. <3
And the most imbalanced thing today, or perhaps since the most imbalanced thing since we met, happened after Pn. Gowri went out and Pn. Teh the discipline teacher came in. I told Ching Yeap and Wei Wen about how loose Daena's pants is, and how he needed Yi Xian's help to pull his pants up when he was carrying books. Then Wei Wen decided to give it a try. He went behind Daena, and with his swift hands (which he used to unbutton Sivanesh before) he pulled Daena's pants down. Actually he only intended to pull Daena's pants below butt level, but Daena's pants was so loose IT FELL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE FLOOR. And sadly, me, Wei Wen, Ching Yeap and a few other guys saw the scene. We saw 2 black pillars decorated with hair, with their peaks covered by a white shirt. We instantly bursted into laughter, and Daena quickly pulled up his pants, right before Pn. Teh looked at him. Sadly, no girls had the chance to witness the scene, or Daena's popularity will gain a huge increase. Not in a good way though.
And about ChengZhi? Damn, he's emo today. After school back at home I asked him why, and now I know the reason, a reason not really good to be posted here. But ChengZhi, emo-ing doesn't solve the problem! Get over it, man.
Today was my first time taking bus home too. I took it with Wei Jian, my new neighbour. The skinny Tio Wei Jian, not the chubby Tan Wei Jian. Nothing much to talk about, only that it's the same bus with Sze Mun and Shih Min.
Sadly, I'll have a very hard time to get to sleep tonight, because of what I saw today at school. The 2 black pillars and the xD face. Maybe I'll end up having insomnia like Adam Young, the singer of Owl City.
Take me above your light
Carry me through the night
Hold me secure in flight
Sing me asleep tonight
Hello Seattle - Owl City
Okay okay that's it for the first day.
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