Monday, March 15, 2010

The S3X Terms


This is the update of all the S3X terms created since last year up to now.
You might have heard us speak alot of them, but do you really know the meaning?
Now you do.

The main purpose of this update is to rekindle our memories, what we did and experienced in the past 1 year plus. Every single term here has its own story! =D

I did not arrange these terms in any order. I just typed them in whenever I thought of it. There's really too many.

A very famous term, not only limited to usage by S3X gang. Originally means Good Game but now normally use with the meaning "the end is near" or "gonna die soon". GG!.

so *insert word here* so wow
A term used as an add-on adjective to something or just to look stupid. Almost not used now.
e.g. so kuat so wow

wat a *insert word here*
Another term used as an add-on adjective or insult. Almost not used now.
e.g. wat a brain

Just a term to add casuality to a sentence or to be a moron. Teehee.

A term originated from ChengZhi, and spelt fluctuation in full. Means the fluctuation of emotions, first happy and suddenly angry then sad then emo and so on. Best example is displayed by Mr. Khor ChengZhi.

A burst of emotions at the climax of a fluct. Once again originated and best displayed by ChengZhi.

To drift away means to leave out yourself from a group or a group activity.

To abandon is to leave out and isolate someone from a group or group activity. Like what they did to me when they watch Alice In Wonderland without me.

A word originated from a shock site. It is best that the site remains unknown. Normally used to describe an outing with only guys.

Somehow an "opinion" is the person you have a crush on. Don't ask me why.

kem kem
Originated from Chai Yee Ling with her unique coughing. Kem kem!

Very commonly used even now. Originally resembles a love or a heart but for us we use it for anything.
e.g. Daena you suck <3

A casual and light insult to someone. Can be used with any reason or no reason at all. Cheap!

Term originated from Shao Wei. Has the meaning like "if not".

Malay word for "challenge". Originally the name of a competitive activity. Now the activity is not conducted anymore but instead this term is frequently used to replace the word "challenge".


A laconic reply to something, most probably an insult. Has a cabar effect.

Used to cabar someone or to shield from an insult. Everyone has their very own unique tone when saying this! =D Hmm?

Means feeling proud of yourself or something like that. Rarely used anymore.

A very frequently used term originating from the website . Generally used to insult someone who failed at doing a certain thing. Blog fail.

*insert word here* Lei Lou Mou
This Cantonese vulgar started to become popular after Daena actually SAID it. But rarely used now.
e.g. fluct lei lou mou

Invented by Daena after looking at Wei Wen's sitting style and expression in lab. The word spastic, as referred to Wikipedia, refers to sudden muscle contraction. We simply use it as a name for morons. Wei Wen is spastic!

brain DC
Brain disconnection if spelt in full. Used to insult a person when he/she does something idiotic.

o0o / _|_
Resembles the international finger. Used by us at any occasion without limitations. If somebody is flucting, they may type o0oo0o0o00o0o0o0oo or __|_|_|_|_|___|_|_.

Invented by Wei Wen randomly. Mars means everything. Or nothing. Mars.

z / zor
A random add-on at the end of any word to make you look more spastic.
e.g. Hmmzor?

Wei Wen called Sian Wei a nerd for reasons unknown. Now nerd is used to insult someone for any random reason. Ching Yeap is a Pokemon nerd!

such *insert word here*

Just another add-on adjective. Such pointless term.

The S3X style of saying hello. Very popularly used now. Hihi!

A cabaring way of saying "sure" or "what else?". Originated from Ching Yeap. Ifnot?

An adjective for something that is ridiculous. This term is a joke.

Short form of please pls. Supposed to be a polite word pls. But now it is used by us at the end of any sentence pls. It makes us more polite pls.

Short form of imbalanced. Used to describe anything extraordinary. Imba!

A praise for cool stuff. Bohemian Rhapsody damn kuat! <3

Stands for Face Problem. Extremely popular now and is used as the reason for anything happening around us. Internet disconnection, called by teacher, had your wallet stolen is all due to FP! The best FP is displayed by Wei Wen.

I think that sums it up.


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